Source code for intermol.forces.convert_dihedrals

import math

import simtk.unit as units

[docs]def convert_nothing(x): """ useful utility for not converting anything""" return x
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_proper_to_trig(p): k = p['k'] multiplicity = p['multiplicity'] zu = 0*k.unit fcs = { 'phi': p['phi'], 'fc0': k, 'fc1': zu, 'fc2': zu, 'fc3': zu, 'fc4': zu, 'fc5': zu, 'fc6': zu } k # which force constant is nonzero because of the multiplicity? fk = "fc%d" % (multiplicity._value) fcs[fk] = k return fcs
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_fourier_to_trig(f): fcs = dict() F1 = f['c1'] F2 = f['c2'] F3 = f['c3'] F4 = f['c4'] zu = 0*F1.unit fcs['phi'] = 0 * units.degrees fcs['fc0'] = 0.5*(F1+F2+F3+F4) fcs['fc1'] = 0.5*F1 fcs['fc2'] = -0.5*F2 fcs['fc3'] = 0.5*F3 fcs['fc4'] = -0.5*F4 fcs['fc5'] = zu fcs['fc6'] = zu return fcs
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_fourier(fcs): F = dict() F['F1'] = 2*fcs['fc1'] F['F2'] = -2*fcs['fc2'] F['F3'] = 2*fcs['fc3'] F['F4'] = -2*fcs['fc4'] F['F5'] = 0 # probably not correct? No test cases. if fcs['fc0'] != 0.5*(F['F1']+F['F2']+F['F3']+F['F4']): print "This dihedral is inconsistent with OPLS format", return F
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_proper(fcs, convention='0'): # this has to be smarter, because there are two options; there's one, or there are multiple. # we handle this by returning multiple keywords # create a copy of the dictionary to strip out several parameters ftmp = fcs.copy() ftmp.pop('phi') ftmp.pop('fc0') coefficients = ftmp.values() ncount = sum(coeff._value != 0.0 for coeff in coefficients) halfangle = (180*units.degrees).in_units_of(fcs['phi'].unit) plist = [] if convention == '180': sign = -1 else: sign = 1 for k, coeff in fcs.items(): # only one of these should be nonzero if coeff._value != 0.0 and k not in ['fc0', 'phi']: p = dict() if convention == '180': p['phi'] = halfangle-fcs['phi'] else: p['phi'] = fcs['phi'] p['multiplicity'] = int(k[2])*units.dimensionless p['k'] = coeff*sign plist.append(p) return plist
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_RB_to_OPLS(c): c0 = c['C0'] c1 = c['C1'] c2 = c['C2'] c3 = c['C3'] c4 = c['C4'] c5 = c['C5'] f = dict() if (c5 !=0.0 * c0.unit and c1+c2+c3+c4 != 0.0 * c0.unit): print "This Rb dihedral is inconsistent with OPLS style", print "because C5 = ",c5, print " (should be 0) and c1+c2+c3+c4 = ",c1+c2+c3+c4, print " (should be 0)" # REALLY SHOULD ADD SOME SORT OF EXCEPTION HERE. # note - f1 and f3 are opposite sign as expected in GROMACS, probably because of angle conventions. f['f1'] = 2.0 * c1 + 3.0 * c3 / 2.0 f['f2'] = -c2 - c4 f['f3'] = c3 / 2.0 f['f4'] = -c4 / 4.0 return f
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_OPLS_to_RB(f): f1 = f['f1'] f2 = f['f2'] f3 = f['f3'] f4 = f['f4'] c = dict() # Note: c1 and c3 are the negative of what is defined on equation 4.64 of Gromacs Manual 4.6.1 c['C0'] = f2 + 0.5*(f1+f3) c['C1'] = 0.5 * (f1 - 3.0 * f3) c['C2'] = -f2 + 4.0 * f4 c['C3'] = 2.0 * f3 c['C4'] = -4.0 * f4 c['C5'] = 0.0 * c['CO'].unit # need to keep everything in units c['C6'] = 0.0 * c['CO'].unit return c
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_RB(fcs): # sign is -1 or 1 # RB is \sum_n=0^6 cos(x)^n # Trig is f_0 + \sum_n=1^6 cos(nx-phi) # we restrict to phi = 0 or 180 (might need to generalize later), so we can write as # f_0 + \sum_n=1^6 cos(nx)cos(phi) + sin(nx)sin(phi) # f_0 + \sum_n=1^6 cos(nx) (phi = 0) # f_0 + \sum_n=1^6 -cos(nx) (phi = 180) # phi = 180 corresponds to a sign of -1 on everything but f_0. Easier to multiply just f_0, # then multiply the rest. # cos(2x) = 2cos^2(x)-1 # cos(3x) = 4cos^3(x)-3cos(x) # cos(4x) = 8cos^4(X)-8cos^2(x)+1 # cos(5x) = 16cos^5(x)-20cos^3(x)+5cos(x) # cos(6x) = 32cos^6(x)-48cos^4(x)+18cos^2(x)-1 # Thus: # f0 + f1*cos(x) + f2*cos(2x) + f3*cos(3x) + f4*cos(4x) + f5*cos(5x) + f6*cos(6x) # z = cos(x) # = f0 + f1*z + f2*(2z^2-1) + f3*(4*z^3-3*z) + f4*(8z^4-8z^2+1) + f5*(16z^5-20z^3+5*z) + f6*(32z^6-48z^4+18*z^2-1) # c0 = f0-f2+f4-f6 # c1 = f1-3f3+5f5 # c2 = 2f2-8f4+18f6 # c3 = 4f3-20f5 # c4 = 8f4-48f6 # c5 = 16f5 # c6 = 32f6 sign = math.cos(fcs['phi'].value_in_unit(units.radians)) fc0 = fcs['fc0'] fc1 = sign*fcs['fc1'] fc2 = sign*fcs['fc2'] fc3 = sign*fcs['fc3'] fc4 = sign*fcs['fc4'] fc5 = sign*fcs['fc5'] fc6 = sign*fcs['fc6'] c = dict() c['C0'] = fc0 - fc2 + fc4 - fc6 c['C1'] = fc1 - 3.0*fc3 + 5.0*fc5 c['C2'] = 2.0*fc2 - 8.0*fc4 + 18.0*fc6 c['C3'] = 4.0*fc3 - 20.0*fc5 c['C4'] = 8.0*fc4 - 48.0*fc6 c['C5'] = 16.0*fc5 c['C6'] = 32.0*fc6 # Multiply by -1 on odd powers to switch between sign conventions. c['C1'] *= -1 c['C3'] *= -1 c['C5'] *= -1 return c
[docs]def convert_dihedral_from_RB_to_trig(c): c0 = c['C0'] c1 = c['C1'] c2 = c['C2'] c3 = c['C3'] c4 = c['C4'] c5 = c['C5'] if 'C6' in c: # program might not define this one, need to check it exists. c6 = c['C6'] else: c6 = 0*c0.unit # See above for conversion; simply inverting the matrix. # Need to handle sign for 180. fcs = dict() # sign? units? Is there a way to get out of this? fcs['phi'] = 0 * units.degrees fcs['fc0'] = 1.0*c0 + 0.5*c2 + 0.3750*c4 + 0.3125*c6 fcs['fc1'] = 1.0*c1 + 0.75*c3 + 0.6250*c5 fcs['fc2'] = 0.5*c2 + 0.5*c4 + 0.46875*c6 fcs['fc3'] = 0.25*c3 + 0.3125*c5 fcs['fc4'] = 0.125*c4 + 0.1875*c6 fcs['fc5'] = 0.0625*c5 fcs['fc6'] = 0.03125*c6 # Multiplying by -1 on odd powers to switch between sign conventions fcs['fc1'] *= -1 fcs['fc3'] *= -1 fcs['fc5'] *= -1 return fcs