Source code for intermol.gromacs.gromacs_parser

from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import os
import math

import simtk.unit as units
from intermol.atom import Atom

from intermol.forces import *
import intermol.forces.forcefunctions as ff
from intermol.molecule import Molecule
from intermol.moleculetype import MoleculeType
from intermol.system import System
from grofile_parser import GromacsGroParser

logger = logging.getLogger('InterMolLog')

[docs]def load_gromacs(top_file, gro_file, include_dir=None, defines=None): """Load a set of GROMACS input files into a `System`. Args: top_file: gro_file: include_dir: defines: Returns: system: """ parser = GromacsParser(top_file, gro_file, include_dir=include_dir, defines=defines) return
[docs]def write_gromacs(top_file, gro_file, system): """Load a set of GROMACS input files into a `System`. Args: top_file: gro_file: include_dir: defines: Returns: system: """ parser = GromacsParser(top_file, gro_file, system) return parser.write()
[docs]def default_gromacs_include_dir(): """Find the location where gromacs #include files are referenced from, by searching for (1) gromacs environment variables, (2) just using the default gromacs install location, /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top. """ if 'GMXLIB' in os.environ: return os.environ['GMXLIB'] if 'GMXDATA' in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ['GMXDATA'], 'top') if 'GMXBIN' in os.environ: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.environ['GMXBIN'], '..', 'share', 'gromacs', 'top')) return '/usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top'
[docs]class GromacsParser(object): """ A class containing methods required to read in a Gromacs(4.5.4) Topology File """ # 'lookup_*' is the inverse dictionary typically used for writing gromacs_combination_rules = { '1': 'Multiply-C6C12', '2': 'Lorentz-Berthelot', '3': 'Multiply-Sigeps' } lookup_gromacs_combination_rules = dict( (v, k) for k, v in gromacs_combination_rules.items()) gromacs_pairs = { # First three correspond to pairtype 1, last two pairtype 2. # Letter is arbitrary. '1A': LjCPair, '1B': LjSigepsPair, '1C': LjDefaultPair, '2A': LjqCPair, '2B': LjqSigepsPair, '2C': LjqDefaultPair } lookup_gromacs_pairs = dict((v, k) for k, v in gromacs_pairs.items()) gromacs_pair_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in gromacs_pairs.items()) gromacs_bonds = { '1': HarmonicBond, '2': G96Bond, '3': MorseBond, '4': CubicBond, '5': ConnectionBond, '6': HarmonicPotentialBond, '7': FeneBond } lookup_gromacs_bonds = dict((v, k) for k, v in gromacs_bonds.items()) gromacs_bond_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in gromacs_bonds.items())
[docs] def canonical_bond(self, params, bond, direction='into'): """ Args: params: bond: direction: Returns: """ if direction == 'into': return bond, params else: # currently, no bonds need to be de-canonicalized b_type = self.lookup_gromacs_bonds[bond.__class__] if b_type: return b_type, params else: logger.warn("WriteError: found unsupported bond type {0}".format( bond.__class__.__name__))
gromacs_angles = { '1': HarmonicAngle, '2': CosineSquaredAngle, '3': CrossBondBondAngle, '4': CrossBondAngleAngle, '5': UreyBradleyAngle, '6': QuarticAngle } lookup_gromacs_angles = dict((v, k) for k, v in gromacs_angles.items()) gromacs_angle_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in gromacs_angles.items())
[docs] def canonical_angle(self, params, angle, direction = 'into'): """ Args: params: angle: direction: Returns: """ if direction == 'into': return angle, params else: # currently, no angles need to be de-canonicalized a_type = self.lookup_gromacs_angles[angle.__class__] if a_type: return a_type, params else: logger.warn("WriteError: found unsupported angle type {0}".format( angle.__class__.__name__))
gromacs_dihedrals = { # TrigDihedrals are actually used for 1, 4, and 9. Can't use lists as keys! '1': ProperPeriodicDihedral, '2': ImproperHarmonicDihedral, '3': RbDihedral, '4': ProperPeriodicDihedral, '5': FourierDihedral, '9': ProperPeriodicDihedral, 'Trig': TrigDihedral } lookup_gromacs_dihedrals = { TrigDihedral: 'Trig', ImproperHarmonicDihedral: '2', RbDihedral: '3', FourierDihedral: '5' } gromacs_dihedral_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in gromacs_dihedrals.items())
[docs] def canonical_dihedral(self, params, dihedral, direction='into'): """ We can fit everything into two types of dihedrals - dihedral_trig, and improper harmonic. Dihedral trig is of the form fc0 + sum_i=1^6 fci (cos(nx-phi) Proper dihedrals can be stored easily in this form, since they have only 1 n. Improper dihedrals can as well (flag as improper). RB can be stored as well, assuming phi = 0 or 180. Fourier can also be stored. A full dihedral trig can be decomposed into multiple proper dihedrals. Will need to handle multiple dihedrals little differently in that we will need to add multiple 9 dihedrals together into a single dihedral_trig, as long as they have the same phi angle (seems to be always the case). Args: params: dihedral: direction: Returns: """ if direction == 'into': # if we are converting a type if 'Type' in dihedral.__name__: # Convert the dihedral parameters to the form we want to # actually store. converted_dihedral = dihedral # Default. if dihedral == ProperPeriodicDihedralType: # Proper dihedral. convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_proper_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedralType elif dihedral == ImproperHarmonicDihedralType: convertfunc = convert_nothing elif dihedral == RbDihedralType: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_RB_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedralType elif dihedral == FourierDihedralType: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_fourier_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedralType else: # TODO: exception pass # Now actually convert the dihedral. params = convertfunc(params) else: # Most will be TrigDihedral. converted_dihedral = TrigDihedral if dihedral == TrigDihedral: # Already converted! convertfunc = convert_nothing # Proper dihedral, still need to convert elif dihedral == ProperPeriodicDihedral: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_proper_to_trig elif dihedral == ImproperHarmonicDihedral: convertfunc = convert_nothing converted_dihedral = dihedral elif dihedral == RbDihedral: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_RB_to_trig elif dihedral == FourierDihedral: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_fourier_to_trig else: # TODO: exception pass params = convertfunc(params) return converted_dihedral, params else: d_type = self.lookup_gromacs_dihedrals[dihedral.__class__] if not d_type: logger.warn("WriteError: found unsupported dihedral type {0}".format( dihedral.__class__.__name__)) # Translate the dihedrals back to write them out. if isinstance(dihedral, TrigDihedral): # TODO: Exceptions for cases where tmpparams and paramlist don't # get assigned below. if dihedral.improper: # Must be a improper dihedral. Print these out as improper # dihedrals (d_type = 4). d_type = '4' paramlist = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_proper(params) else: # Print as a RB dihedral if the phi is 0. if params['phi'].value_in_unit(units.degrees) in [0, 180]: tmpparams = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_RB(params) if tmpparams['C6']._value == 0: d_type = '3' else: # If C6 is not zero, then we have to print it out as # multiple propers. d_type = '9' if d_type in ['9', 'Trig']: # Print as proper dihedral. If one nonzero term, as a # type 1, if multiple, type 9. paramlist = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_proper(params) if len(paramlist) == 1: d_type = '1' else: d_type = '9' elif d_type == '3': paramlist = [tmpparams] else: paramlist = [params] return d_type, paramlist
[docs] def choose_parameter_kwds_from_forces(self, entries, n_atoms, force_type, gromacs_force): """Extract a force's parameters into a keyword dictionary. Args: entries (str): The `split()` line being parsed. n_atoms (int): The number of atoms in the force. force_type: The type of the force. gromacs_force: The Returns: kwds (dict): The force's parameters, e.g. {'length': Quantity(value=0.13, unit=nanometers), 'k': ... } """ n_entries = len(entries) gromacs_force_type = gromacs_force.__base__ # what's the base class typename = gromacs_force_type.__name__ u = self.unitvars[typename] params = self.paramlist[typename] kwds = dict() if n_entries > n_atoms + 2: for i, p in enumerate(params): kwds[p] = float(entries[n_atoms + 1 + i]) * u[i] elif n_entries in [n_atoms + 1 or n_atoms + 2]: # Check to see if the force is defined exists if isinstance(force_type, gromacs_force_type): force_type_params = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(force_type) # Note: for now, not passing the bonding variables. for i, p in enumerate(params): kwds[p] = force_type_params[i] else: logger.warn("No forcetype defined for: {0}".format(entries)) return kwds
paramlist = ff.build_paramlist('gromacs') unitvars = ff.build_unitvars('gromacs', paramlist)
[docs] def create_kwds_from_entries(self, entries, force_class, offset=0): return ff.create_kwds_from_entries(self.unitvars, self.paramlist, entries, force_class, offset=offset)
[docs] def get_parameter_list_from_force(self, force): return ff.get_parameter_list_from_force(force, self.paramlist)
[docs] def get_parameter_kwds_from_force(self, force): return ff.get_parameter_kwds_from_force( force, self.get_parameter_list_from_force, self.paramlist)
[docs] class TopMoleculeType(object): """Inner class to store information about a molecule type.""" def __init__(self): self.nrexcl = -1 self.atoms = [] self.bonds = [] self.angles = [] self.dihedrals = [] self.settles = None self.exclusions = [] self.pairs = [] self.cmaps = []
def __init__(self, top_file, gro_file, system=None, include_dir=None, defines=None): """ Initializes a GromacsTopologyParse object which serves to read in a Gromacs topology into the abstract representation. Args: defines: Sets of default defines to use while parsing. """ self.top_file = top_file self.gro_file = gro_file if not system: system = System() self.system = system if include_dir is None: include_dir = default_gromacs_include_dir() self.include_dirs = (os.path.dirname(top_file), include_dir) # Most of the gromacs water itp files for different forcefields, # unless the preprocessor #define FLEXIBLE is given, don't define # bonds between the water hydrogen and oxygens, but only give the # constraint distances and exclusions. self.defines = dict() if defines is not None: self.defines.update(defines)
[docs] def read(self): """ Return: system """ self.current_directive = None self.if_stack = list() self.else_stack = list() self.molecule_types = OrderedDict() self.molecules = list() self.current_molecule_type = None self.current_molecule = None self.atomtypes = dict() self.bondtypes = dict() self.angletypes = dict() self.dihedraltypes = dict() self.implicittypes = dict() self.pairtypes = dict() self.cmaptypes = dict() self.nonbonded_types = dict() # Parse the top_file into a set of plain text, intermediate # TopMoleculeType objects. self.process_file(self.top_file) # Open the corresponding gro file and push all the information to the # InterMol system. self.gro = GromacsGroParser(self.gro_file) self.system.box_vector = self.gro.box_vector self.system.n_atoms = self.gro.positions.shape[0] self.system.n_molecules = self.molecules self.n_atoms_added = 0 for mol_name, mol_count in self.molecules: if mol_name not in self.molecule_types: e = ValueError("Unknown molecule type: {0}".format(mol_name)) logger.exception(e) # Grab the relevent plain text molecule type. top_moltype = self.molecule_types[mol_name] self.create_moleculetype(top_moltype, mol_name, mol_count) return self.system # =========== System writing =========== #
[docs] def write(self): """Write this topology in GROMACS file format. Args: filename: the name of the file to write out to """ gro = GromacsGroParser(self.gro_file) gro.write(self.system) with open(self.top_file, 'w') as top: self.write_defaults(top) self.write_atomtypes(top) if self.system.nonbonded_types: self.write_nonbonded_types(top) self.write_moleculetypes(top) self.write_system(top) self.write_molecules(top)
[docs] def write_defaults(self, top): top.write('[ defaults ]\n') top.write('; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ\n') top.write('{0:6d} {1:6s} {2:6s} {3:8.4f} {4:8.4f}\n\n'.format( self.system.nonbonded_function, self.lookup_gromacs_combination_rules[self.system.combination_rule], self.system.genpairs, self.system.lj_correction, self.system.coulomb_correction))
[docs] def write_atomtypes(self, top): top.write('[ atomtypes ]\n') top.write(';type, bondingtype, atomic_number, mass, charge, ptype, sigma, epsilon\n') for atomtype in sorted(self.system.atomtypes.itervalues(), key=lambda x: x.atomtype): if atomtype.atomtype.isdigit(): atomtype.atomtype = "LMP_{0}".format(atomtype.atomtype) if atomtype.bondtype.isdigit(): atomtype.bondtype = "LMP_{0}".format(atomtype.bondtype) top.write('{0:<11s} {1:5s} {2:6d} {3:18.8f} {4:18.8f} {5:5s}'.format( atomtype.atomtype, atomtype.bondtype, int(atomtype.atomic_number), atomtype.mass.value_in_unit(units.atomic_mass_unit), atomtype.charge.value_in_unit(units.elementary_charge), atomtype.ptype)) if self.system.combination_rule == 'Multiply-C6C12': top.write('{0:18.8e} {1:18.8e}\n'.format( atomtype.sigma.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(6)), atomtype.epsilon.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(12)))) elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Lorentz-Berthelot','Multiply-Sigeps']: top.write('{0:18.8e} {1:18.8e}\n'.format( atomtype.sigma.value_in_unit(units.nanometers), atomtype.epsilon.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole))) top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_nonbonded_types(self, top): top.write('[ nonbond_params ]\n') top.write('i j func sigma epsilon\n') for nbtype in sorted(self.system.nonbonded_types.itervalues(), key=lambda x: (x.atom1, x.atom2)): # TODO: support for buckingham NB types top.write('{0:6s} {1:6s} {2:3d}'.format( nbtype.atom1, nbtype.atom2, nbtype.type)) if self.system.combination_rule == 'Multiply-C6C12': top.write('{0:18.8e} {1:18.8e}\n'.format( nbtype.C6.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(6)), nbtype.C12.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(12)))) elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Lorentz-Berthelot', 'Multiply-Sigeps']: top.write('{0:18.8e} {1:18.8e}\n'.format( nbtype.sigma.value_in_unit(units.nanometers), nbtype.epsilon.value_in_unit(units.kilojoules_per_mole))) top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_moleculetypes(self, top): for mol_name, mol_type in self.system.molecule_types.iteritems(): self.current_molecule_type = mol_type top.write('[ moleculetype ]\n') # Gromacs can't handle spaces in the molecule name. printname = mol_name printname = printname.replace(' ', '_') printname = printname.replace('"', '') top.write('{0:s} {1:10d}\n\n'.format(printname, mol_type.nrexcl)) self.write_atoms(top) if self.current_molecule_type.pair_forces: self.write_pairs(top) if self.current_molecule_type.bond_forces and not self.current_molecule_type.settles: self.write_bonds(top) if self.current_molecule_type.angle_forces and not self.current_molecule_type.settles: self.write_angles(top) if self.current_molecule_type.dihedral_forces: self.write_dihedrals(top) # if moleculeType.virtualForceSet: # lines += self.write_virtuals(moleculeType.virtualForceSet) # if self.current_molecule_type.settles: self.write_settles(top) if self.current_molecule_type.exclusions: self.write_exclusions(top)
[docs] def write_system(self, top): top.write('[ system ]\n') top.write('{0}\n\n'.format(
[docs] def write_molecules(self, top): top.write('[ molecules ]\n') top.write('; Compound nmols\n') for mol_name, mol_type in self.system.molecule_types.iteritems(): n_molecules = len(mol_type.molecules) # The following lines are more 'chemical'. printname = mol_name printname = printname.replace(' ', '_') printname = printname.replace('"', '') top.write('{0:<15s} {1:8d}\n'.format(printname, n_molecules))
[docs] def write_atoms(self, top): top.write('[ atoms ]\n') top.write(';num, type, resnum, resname, atomname, cgnr, q, m\n') # Start iterating the set to get the first entry (somewhat kludgy...) for i, atom in enumerate(next(iter(self.current_molecule_type.molecules)).atoms): if # LAMMPS atom names can have digits = "LMP_{0}".format( if atom.atomtype[0].isdigit(): atom.atomtype[0] = "LMP_{0}".format(atom.atomtype[0]) top.write('{0:6d} {1:18s} {2:6d} {3:8s} {4:8s} {5:6d} ' '{6:18.8f} {7:18.8f}'.format( i + 1, atom.atomtype[0], atom.residue_index, atom.residue_name,, atom.cgnr, atom.charge[0].value_in_unit(units.elementary_charge), atom.mass[0].value_in_unit(units.atomic_mass_unit))) # Alternate states -- only one for now. if atom.atomtype.get(1): top.write('{0:18s} {1:18.8f} {2:18.8f}'.format( atom.atomtype[1], atom.charge[1].value_in_unit(units.elementary_charge), atom.mass[1].value_in_unit(units.atomic_mass_unit))) top.write('\n') top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_pairs(self, top): top.write('[ pairs ]\n') top.write('; ai aj funct\n') pairlist = sorted(self.current_molecule_type.pair_forces, key=lambda x: (x.atom1, x.atom2)) for pair in pairlist: p_type = self.lookup_gromacs_pairs[pair.__class__] if p_type: # Gromacs type is the first character top.write('{0:6d} {1:7d} {2:4d}'.format( pair.atom1, pair.atom2, int(p_type[0]))) pair_params = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(pair) # Don't want to write over actual array. param_units = list(self.unitvars[pair.__class__.__name__]) if p_type[0] == '2' and pair.scaleQQ: # We have a scaleQQ as well, which has no units. pair_params.insert(0, pair.scaleQQ) param_units.insert(0, units.dimensionless) for i, param in enumerate(pair_params): top.write("{0:18.8e}".format( param.value_in_unit(param_units[i]))) top.write('\n') else: logger.warn("Found unsupported pair type {0}".format( pair.__class__.__name__)) top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_bonds(self, top): top.write('[ bonds ]\n') top.write('; ai aj funct r k\n') bondlist = sorted(self.current_molecule_type.bond_forces, key=lambda x: (x.atom1, x.atom2)) for bond in bondlist: bond_params = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(bond) b_type, bond_params = self.canonical_bond(bond_params, bond, direction='from') top.write('{0:7d} {1:7d} {2:4s}'.format( bond.atom1, bond.atom2, b_type)) param_units = self.unitvars[bond.__class__.__name__] for param, param_unit in zip(bond_params, param_units): top.write('{0:18.8e}'.format(param.value_in_unit(param_unit))) top.write('\n') top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_angles(self, top): top.write('[ angles ]\n') top.write('; ai aj ak funct theta cth\n') anglelist = sorted(self.current_molecule_type.angle_forces, key=lambda x: (x.atom1, x.atom2, x.atom3)) for angle in anglelist: angle_params = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(angle) a_type, angle_params = self.canonical_angle(angle_params, angle, direction='from') top.write('{0:7d} {1:7d} {2:7d} {3:4s}'.format( angle.atom1, angle.atom2, angle.atom3, a_type)) param_units = self.unitvars[angle.__class__.__name__] for param, param_unit in zip(angle_params, param_units): top.write('{0:18.8e}'.format(param.value_in_unit(param_unit))) top.write('\n') top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_dihedrals(self, top): top.write('[ dihedrals ]\n') top.write('; i j k l func\n') dihedrallist = sorted(self.current_molecule_type.dihedral_forces, key=lambda x: (x.atom1, x.atom2, x.atom3, x.atom4)) for dihedral in dihedrallist: atoms = dihedral.atom1, dihedral.atom2, dihedral.atom3, dihedral.atom4 top.write("{0:7d} {1:7d} {2:7d} {3:7d}".format( atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[2], atoms[3])) kwds = self.get_parameter_kwds_from_force(dihedral) d_type, paramlist = self.canonical_dihedral(kwds, dihedral, direction='from') converted_dihedral = self.gromacs_dihedrals[d_type](*atoms, **paramlist[0]) top.write("{0:6d}".format(int(d_type))) paramlist = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(converted_dihedral) param_units = self.unitvars[converted_dihedral.__class__.__name__] for param, param_unit in zip(paramlist, param_units): top.write('{0:18.8e}'.format(param.value_in_unit(param_unit))) top.write('\n') top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_settles(self, top): top.write('[ settles ]\n') top.write('; i funct dOH dHH\n') settles = self.current_molecule_type.settles s_type = 1 top.write('{0:6d} {1:6d} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f}\n'.format( settles.atom1, s_type, settles.dOH.value_in_unit(units.nanometers), settles.dHH.value_in_unit(units.nanometers))) top.write('\n')
[docs] def write_exclusions(self, top): top.write('[ exclusions ]\n') for index1, index2 in self.current_molecule_type.exclusions: top.write('{0:6d} {1:6d}\n'.format(index1, index2)) top.write('\n') # =========== System creation =========== #
[docs] def create_moleculetype(self, top_moltype, mol_name, mol_count): # Check if the moleculetype already exists if self.system.molecule_types.get(mol_name): self.current_molecule_type = self.system.molecule_types[mol_name] else: # Create an intermol moleculetype. moltype = MoleculeType(mol_name) moltype.nrexcl = top_moltype.nrexcl self.system.add_molecule_type(moltype) self.current_molecule_type = moltype # Create all the intermol molecules of the current type. for n_mol in range(mol_count): self.create_molecule(top_moltype, mol_name) for pair in top_moltype.pairs: self.create_pair(pair) for bond in top_moltype.bonds: self.create_bond(bond) for angle in top_moltype.angles: self.create_angle(angle) for dihedral in top_moltype.dihedrals: self.create_dihedral(dihedral) if top_moltype.settles: self.create_settle(top_moltype.settles) for exclusion in top_moltype.exclusions: self.create_exclusion(exclusion)
[docs] def create_molecule(self, top_moltype, mol_name): molecule = Molecule(mol_name) self.system.add_molecule(molecule) self.current_molecule = molecule for atom in top_moltype.atoms: self.create_atom(atom)
[docs] def create_atom(self, temp_atom): index = self.n_atoms_added + 1 atomtype = temp_atom[1] #res_id = int(temp_atom[2]) res_id = self.gro.residue_ids[self.n_atoms_added] #res_name = temp_atom[3] res_name = self.gro.residue_names[self.n_atoms_added] atom_name = temp_atom[4] cgnr = int(temp_atom[5]) charge = float(temp_atom[6]) * units.elementary_charge if len(temp_atom) in [8, 11]: mass = float(temp_atom[7]) * units.amu else: mass = -1 * units.amu atom = Atom(index, atom_name, res_id, res_name) atom.cgnr = cgnr atom.atomtype = (0, atomtype) atom.charge = (0, charge) atom.mass = (0, mass) if len(temp_atom) == 11: atomtype = temp_atom[8] charge = float(temp_atom[9]) * units.elementary_charge mass = float(temp_atom[10]) * units.amu atom.atomtype = (1, atomtype) atom.charge = (1, charge) atom.mass = (1, mass) atom.position = self.gro.positions[self.n_atoms_added] for state, atomtype in atom.atomtype.iteritems(): intermol_atomtype = self.system.atomtypes.get(atomtype) if not intermol_atomtype: logger.warn('A corresponding AtomType for {0} was not' ' found.'.format(atom)) continue atom.atomic_number = intermol_atomtype.atomic_number if not atom.bondingtype: if intermol_atomtype.bondtype: atom.bondingtype = intermol_atomtype.bondtype else: atom.bondingtype = atomtype if atom.mass.get(state)._value < 0: if intermol_atomtype.mass._value >= 0: atom.mass = (state, intermol_atomtype.mass) else: logger.warn("Suspicious mass parameter found for atom " "{0}. Visually inspect before using.".format(atom)) atom.sigma = (state, intermol_atomtype.sigma) atom.epsilon = (state, intermol_atomtype.epsilon) self.current_molecule.add_atom(atom) self.n_atoms_added += 1
[docs] def create_bond(self, bond): n_atoms = 2 numeric_bondtype = bond[n_atoms] atoms = [int(n) for n in bond[:n_atoms]] btypes = tuple([self.lookup_atom_bondingtype(int(x)) for x in bond[:n_atoms]]) # Get forcefield parameters. if len(bond) == n_atoms + 1: bond_type = self.find_forcetype(btypes, self.bondtypes) else: bond[0] = btypes[0] bond[1] = btypes[1] bond = " ".join(bond) bond_type = self.process_forcetype(btypes, 'bond', bond, n_atoms, self.gromacs_bond_types, self.canonical_bond) bond = bond.split() # Create the actual force. if numeric_bondtype in self.gromacs_bonds: gromacs_bond = self.gromacs_bonds[numeric_bondtype] # Connection bonds don't have bondtypes. if gromacs_bond == ConnectionBond: kwds = dict() else: kwds = self.choose_parameter_kwds_from_forces( bond, n_atoms, bond_type, gromacs_bond) # Give it canonical form parameters. canonical_bond, kwds = self.canonical_angle(kwds, gromacs_bond, direction='into') new_bond = canonical_bond(*atoms, **kwds) else: logger.warn("Unsupported Gromacs bondtype: {0}".format(numeric_bondtype)) if not new_bond: logger.warn("Undefined bond formatting.") else: self.current_molecule_type.bond_forces.add(new_bond)
[docs] def create_pair(self, pair): """Create a pair force object based on a [ pairs ] entry""" n_entries = len(pair) numeric_pairtype = pair[2] atoms = [int(pair[0]), int(pair[1])] atomtypes = tuple([self.lookup_atom_atomtype(int(pair[0])), self.lookup_atom_atomtype(int(pair[1]))]) if n_entries == 3: pairtype = self.find_forcetype(atomtypes, self.pairtypes) else: atomtypes = [None, None] pairvars = [atoms[0], atoms[1], atomtypes[0], atomtypes[1]] optpairvars = dict() if numeric_pairtype == '1': if self.system.combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": thispair = LjCPair elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: thispair = LjSigepsPair thispairtype = thispair.__base__ # what's the base class u = self.unitvars[thispairtype.__name__] if n_entries > 3: pairvars.extend([float(pair[3]) * u[0], float(pair[4]) * u[1]]) elif n_entries == 3: if not pairtype: # assume the values will be created by system defaults thispair = LjDefaultPair else: assert isinstance(pairtype, thispairtype) pairvars.extend(self.get_parameter_list_from_force(pairtype)) new_pair = thispair(*pairvars) elif numeric_pairtype == '2': if self.system.combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": thispair = LjqCPair elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: thispair = LjqSigepsPair thispairtype = thispair.__base__ # what's the parent? u = self.unitvars[thispairtype.__name__] if n_entries > 3: pairvars.extend([float(pair[4]) * u[0], float(pair[5]) * u[1], float(pair[6]) * u[2], float(pair[7]) * u[3]]) # Generate a default filled dictionary, then fill in the pair. optpairvars = ff.optforceparams('pair') optpairvars['scaleQQ'] = float(pair[3]) * units.dimensionless elif n_entries == 3: if not pairtype: # Assume the values will be created by system defaults. thispair = LjqDefaultPair else: assert isinstance(pairtype, thispairtype) # Bring the data from this pairtype. optpairvars['scaleQQ'] = pairtype.scaleQQ pairvars.extend(self.get_parameter_list_from_force(pairtype)) new_pair = thispair(*pairvars, **optpairvars) else: logger.warn("Unsupported Gromacs pairtype: {0}".format( numeric_pairtype)) if not new_pair: logger.warn("Undefined pair formatting.") else: self.current_molecule_type.pair_forces.add(new_pair)
[docs] def create_settle(self, settle): new_settle = Settles(int(settle[0]), float(settle[2]) * units.nanometers, float(settle[3]) * units.nanometers) self.current_molecule_type.settles = new_settle waterbondrefk = 900*units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(-2) wateranglerefk = 400*units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.degrees**(-2) angle = 2.0 * math.asin(0.5 * float(settle[3]) / float(settle[2])) * units.radians dOH = float(settle[2]) * units.nanometers new_bond = HarmonicBond(1, 2, None, None, dOH, waterbondrefk, c=True) self.current_molecule_type.bond_forces.add(new_bond) new_bond = HarmonicBond(1, 3, None, None, dOH, waterbondrefk, c=True) self.current_molecule_type.bond_forces.add(new_bond) new_angle = HarmonicAngle(3, 1, 2, None, None, None, angle, wateranglerefk, c=True) self.current_molecule_type.angle_forces.add(new_angle)
[docs] def create_exclusion(self, exclusion): first = exclusion[0] for index in exclusion: if first < index: self.current_molecule_type.exclusions.add((int(first), int(index)))
[docs] def create_angle(self, angle): n_atoms = 3 atoms = [int(n) for n in angle[:n_atoms]] btypes = tuple([self.lookup_atom_bondingtype(int(x)) for x in angle[:n_atoms]]) numeric_angletype = angle[n_atoms] # Get forcefield parameters. if len(angle) == n_atoms + 1: angle_type = self.find_forcetype(btypes, self.angletypes) else: angle[0] = btypes[0] angle[1] = btypes[1] angle[2] = btypes[2] angle = " ".join(angle) angle_type = self.process_forcetype(btypes, 'angle', angle, n_atoms, self.gromacs_angle_types, self.canonical_angle) angle = angle.split() # Create the actual force. if numeric_angletype in self.gromacs_angles: gromacs_angle = self.gromacs_angles[numeric_angletype] kwds = self.choose_parameter_kwds_from_forces( angle, n_atoms, angle_type, gromacs_angle) # Give it canonical form parameters. canonical_angle, kwds = self.canonical_angle(kwds, gromacs_angle, direction='into') new_angle = canonical_angle(*atoms, **kwds) else: logger.warn("Unsupported Gromacs angletype: {0}".format(numeric_angletype)) if not new_angle: logger.warn("Undefined angle formatting.") else: self.current_molecule_type.angle_forces.add(new_angle)
[docs] def create_dihedral(self, dihedral): """Create a dihedral object based on a [ dihedrals ] entry. """ n_entries = len(dihedral) n_atoms = 4 atoms = [int(i) for i in dihedral[0:n_atoms]] numeric_dihedraltype = dihedral[n_atoms] improper = numeric_dihedraltype in ['2', '4'] dihedral_types = [None] if n_entries == n_atoms + 1: btypes = [self.lookup_atom_bondingtype(int(x)) for x in dihedral[:n_atoms]] # Use the returned btypes that we get a match with! dihedral_types = self.find_dihedraltype(btypes, improper=improper) # Overwrite the actual dihedral if converted! # These all got converted. if numeric_dihedraltype in ['1', '3', '4', '5', '9']: gromacs_dihedral = TrigDihedral else: gromacs_dihedral = self.gromacs_dihedrals[numeric_dihedraltype] elif n_entries == n_atoms + 2: # This case handles special dihedral given via a #define. if self.defines.get(dihedral[-1]): params = self.defines[dihedral[-1]].split() dihedral = dihedral[:-1] + params gromacs_dihedral = self.gromacs_dihedrals[numeric_dihedraltype] else: # Some gromacs parameters don't include sufficient entries for all # types, so add some zeros. A bit of a kludge... dihedral += ['0.0'] * 3 gromacs_dihedral = self.gromacs_dihedrals[numeric_dihedraltype] for d_type in dihedral_types: kwds = self.choose_parameter_kwds_from_forces( dihedral, n_atoms, d_type, gromacs_dihedral) canonical_dihedral, kwds = self.canonical_dihedral( kwds, gromacs_dihedral, direction="into") kwds['improper'] = improper new_dihedral = canonical_dihedral(*atoms, **kwds) if not new_dihedral: logger.warn("Undefined dihedral formatting: {0}".format(dihedral)) self.current_molecule_type.dihedral_forces.add(new_dihedral)
[docs] def find_dihedraltype(self, bondingtypes, improper): """Determine the type of dihedral interaction between four atoms. """ a1, a2, a3, a4 = bondingtypes # All possible ways to match a dihedraltype atom_orders = [[a1, a2, a3, a4], # original order [a4, a3, a2, a1], # flip it [a1, a2, a3, 'X'], # single wildcard 1 ['X', a2, a3, a4], # single wildcard 2 ['X', a2, a3, 'X'], # double wildcard ['X', 'X', a3, a4], # front end double wildcard [a1, a2, 'X', 'X'], # rear end double wildcard ['X', 'X', a2, a1], # rear end double wildcard ['X', a3, a2, a1], # flipped single wildcard 1 [a4, a3, a2, 'X'], # flipped single wildcard 2 ['X', a3, a2, 'X'], # flipped double wildcard [a4, a3, 'X', 'X'] # flipped front end double wildcard ] dihedral_types = set() for i, atoms in enumerate(atom_orders): a1, a2, a3, a4 = atoms key = tuple([a1, a2, a3, a4, improper]) dihedral_type = self.dihedraltypes.get(key) if dihedral_type: for to_be_added in dihedral_type: for already_added in dihedral_types: if not self.type_parameters_are_unique(to_be_added, already_added): break else: # The loop completed without breaking. dihedral_types.add(to_be_added) break if not dihedral_types: logger.warn("Lookup failed for dihedral: {0}".format(bondingtypes)) else: return list(dihedral_types)
[docs] def type_parameters_are_unique(a, b): """Check if two force types are unique. Currently only tests TrigDihedralType and ImproperHarmonicDihedralType because these are the only two forcetypes that we currently allow to to have multiple values for the same set of 4 atom bondingtypes. """ if (isinstance(a, TrigDihedralType) and isinstance(b, TrigDihedralType)): return not (a.fc0 == b.fc0 and a.fc1 == b.fc1 and a.fc2 == b.fc2 and a.fc3 == b.fc3 and a.fc4 == b.fc4 and a.fc5 == b.fc5 and a.fc6 == b.fc6 and a.improper == b.improper and a.phi == b.phi) elif (isinstance(a, ImproperHarmonicDihedralType) and isinstance(b, ImproperHarmonicDihedralType)): return not (a.xi == b.xi and a.k == b.k and a.improper == b.improper) else: return True
[docs] def lookup_atom_bondingtype(self, index): return self.current_molecule.atoms[index - 1].bondingtype
[docs] def lookup_atom_atomtype(self, index, state=0): return self.current_molecule.atoms[index - 1].atomtype[state]
[docs] def find_forcetype(self, bondingtypes, types_of_kind): forcetype = types_of_kind.get(bondingtypes) if not forcetype: forcetype = types_of_kind.get(bondingtypes[::-1]) if not forcetype: logger.debug("Lookup failed for atom bonding types'{0}' in {1}".format( bondingtypes, types_of_kind.keys())) return forcetype # =========== Pre-processing and forcetype creation =========== #
[docs] def process_file(self, top_file): append = '' for line in open(top_file): if line.strip().endswith('\\'): append = '{0} {1}'.format(append, line[:line.rfind('\\')]) else: self.process_line(top_file, '{0} {1}'.format(append, line)) append = ''
[docs] def process_line(self, top_file, line): """Process one line from a file.""" if ';' in line: line = line[:line.index(';')] stripped = line.strip() ignore = not all(self.if_stack) if stripped.startswith('*') or len(stripped) == 0: # A comment or empty line. return elif stripped.startswith('[') and not ignore: # The start of a category. if not stripped.endswith(']'): e = ValueError('Illegal line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) self.current_directive = stripped[1:-1].strip() logger.debug("Parsing {0}...".format(self.current_directive)) elif stripped.startswith('#'): # A preprocessor command. fields = stripped.split() command = fields[0] if len(self.if_stack) != len(self.else_stack): e = RuntimeError('#if/#else stack out of sync') logger.exception(e) if command == '#include' and not ignore: # Locate the file to include name = stripped[len(command):].strip(' \t"<>') search_dirs = self.include_dirs+(os.path.dirname(top_file),) for sub_dir in search_dirs: top_file = os.path.join(sub_dir, name) if os.path.isfile(top_file): # We found the file, so process it. self.process_file(top_file) break else: e = ValueError('Could not locate #include file: '+name) logger.exception(e) elif command == '#define' and not ignore: # Add a value to our list of defines. if len(fields) < 2: e = ValueError('Illegal line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) name = fields[1] value_start = stripped.find(name, len(command))+len(name)+1 value = line[value_start:].strip() self.defines[name] = value elif command == '#ifdef': # See whether this block should be ignored. if len(fields) < 2: e = ValueError('Illegal line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) name = fields[1] self.if_stack.append(name in self.defines) self.else_stack.append(False) elif command == '#ifndef': # See whether this block should be ignored. if len(fields) < 2: e = ValueError('Illegal line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) name = fields[1] self.if_stack.append(name not in self.defines) self.else_stack.append(False) elif command == '#endif': # Pop an entry off the if stack if len(self.if_stack) == 0: e = ValueError('Unexpected line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) del(self.if_stack[-1]) del(self.else_stack[-1]) elif command == '#else': # Reverse the last entry on the if stack if len(self.if_stack) == 0: e = ValueError('Unexpected line in .top file: '+line) logger.exception(e) if self.else_stack[-1]: e = ValueError('Unexpected line in .top file: ' '#else has already been used ' + line) logger.exception(e) self.if_stack[-1] = (not self.if_stack[-1]) self.else_stack[-1] = True elif not ignore: # A line of data for the current category if self.current_directive is None: e = ValueError('Unexpected line in .top file: {0}'.format(line)) logger.exception(e) if self.current_directive == 'defaults': self.process_defaults(line) elif self.current_directive == 'moleculetype': self.process_moleculetype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'molecules': self.process_molecule(line) elif self.current_directive == 'atoms': self.process_atom(line) elif self.current_directive == 'bonds': self.process_bond(line) elif self.current_directive == 'angles': self.process_angle(line) elif self.current_directive == 'dihedrals': self.process_dihedral(line) elif self.current_directive == 'settles': self.process_settle(line) elif self.current_directive == 'exclusions': self.process_exclusion(line) elif self.current_directive == 'pairs': self.process_pair(line) elif self.current_directive == 'cmap': self.process_cmap(line) elif self.current_directive == 'atomtypes': self.process_atomtype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'bondtypes': self.process_bondtype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'angletypes': self.process_angletype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'dihedraltypes': self.process_dihedraltype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'implicit_genborn_params': self.process_implicittype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'pairtypes':# and not self.system.genpairs: self.process_pairtype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'cmaptypes': self.process_cmaptype(line) elif self.current_directive == 'nonbond_params': self.process_nonbond_params(line)
[docs] def process_defaults(self, line): """Process the [ defaults ] line.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 4: self.too_few_fields(line) self.system.nonbonded_function = int(fields[0]) self.system.combination_rule = self.gromacs_combination_rules[fields[1]] self.system.genpairs = fields[2] self.system.lj_correction = float(fields[3]) self.system.coulomb_correction = float(fields[4])
[docs] def process_moleculetype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ moleculetypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 1: self.too_few_fields(line) mol_type = self.TopMoleculeType() mol_type.nrexcl = int(fields[1]) self.molecule_types[fields[0]] = mol_type self.current_molecule_type = mol_type
[docs] def process_molecule(self, line): """Process a line in the [ molecules ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: self.too_few_fields(line) self.molecules.append((fields[0], int(fields[1])))
[docs] def process_atom(self, line): """Process a line in the [ atoms ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 5: self.too_few_fields(line) if len(fields) not in [7, 8, 11]: self.invalid_line(line) self.current_molecule_type.atoms.append(fields)
[docs] def process_bond(self, line): """Process a line in the [ bonds ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 3: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.bonds.append(fields)
[docs] def process_angle(self, line): """Process a line in the [ angles ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 4: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.angles.append(fields)
[docs] def process_dihedral(self, line): """Process a line in the [ dihedrals ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 5: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.dihedrals.append(fields)
[docs] def process_settle(self, line): """Process a line in the [ settles ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 4: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.settles = fields
[docs] def process_exclusion(self, line): """Process a line in the [ exclusions ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.exclusions.append(fields)
[docs] def process_pair(self, line): """Process a line in the [ pairs ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype() fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 3: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.pairs.append(fields)
[docs] def process_cmap(self, line): """Process a line in the [ cmaps ] category.""" if self.current_molecule_type is None: self.directive_before_moleculetype('cmap') fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 6: self.too_few_fields(line) self.current_molecule_type.cmaps.append(fields)
[docs] def process_atomtype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ atomtypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 6: self.too_few_fields(line) if len(fields[3]) == 1: # Bonded type and atomic number are both missing. fields.insert(1, None) fields.insert(1, None) elif len(fields[4]) == 1 and len(fields[5]) > 1: if fields[1][0].isalpha(): # Atomic number is missing. fields.insert(2, None) else: # Bonded type is missing. fields.insert(1, None) atomtype = fields[0] if fields[1] == None: bondingtype = atomtype else: bondingtype = fields[1] if fields[2]: atomic_number = fields[2] else: atomic_number = -1 mass = float(fields[3]) * units.amu charge = float(fields[4]) * units.elementary_charge ptype = fields[5] # Add correct units to the LJ parameters. if self.system.combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": lj_param1 = (float(fields[6]) * units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(6)) lj_param2 = (float(fields[7]) * units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(12)) AtomtypeClass = AtomCType elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: lj_param1 = float(fields[6]) * units.nanometers # sigma lj_param2 = float(fields[7]) * units.kilojoules_per_mole # epsilon AtomtypeClass = AtomSigepsType else: e = ValueError("Unknown combination rule: {0}".format( self.system.combination_rule)) logger.exception(e) new_atom_type = AtomtypeClass(atomtype, bondingtype, atomic_number, mass, charge, ptype, lj_param1, lj_param2) self.system.add_atomtype(new_atom_type)
[docs] def process_bondtype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ bondtypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 5: self.too_few_fields(line) btypes = fields[:2] bond_type = self.process_forcetype(btypes, 'bond', line, 2, self.gromacs_bond_types, self.canonical_bond) self.bondtypes[tuple(fields[:2])] = bond_type
[docs] def process_angletype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ angletypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 6: self.too_few_fields(line) btypes = fields[:3] angle_type = self.process_forcetype(btypes, 'angle', line, 3, self.gromacs_angle_types, self.canonical_angle) self.angletypes[tuple(fields[:3])] = angle_type
[docs] def process_dihedraltype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ dihedraltypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 5: self.too_few_fields(line) # Some gromacs parameters don't include sufficient numbers of types. # Add some zeros (bit of a kludge). line += ' 0.0 0.0 0.0' fields = line.split() # Check whether they are using 2 or 4 atom types if fields[2].isdigit(): btypes = ['X', fields[0], fields[1], 'X'] n_atoms_specified = 2 elif len(fields[4]) == 1 and fields[4].isdigit(): btypes = fields[:4] n_atoms_specified = 4 else: # TODO: Come up with remaining cases (are there any?) and a proper # failure case. logger.warn('Should never have gotten here.') dihedral_type = self.process_forcetype( btypes, 'dihedral', line, n_atoms_specified, self.gromacs_dihedral_types, self.canonical_dihedral) # Still need a bit more information numeric_dihedraltype = fields[n_atoms_specified] dihedral_type.improper = numeric_dihedraltype in ['2', '4'] key = tuple([btypes[0], btypes[1], btypes[2], btypes[3], dihedral_type.improper]) if key in self.dihedraltypes: # There are multiple dihedrals defined for these atom types. self.dihedraltypes[key].add(dihedral_type) else: self.dihedraltypes[key] = {dihedral_type}
[docs] def process_forcetype(self, bondingtypes, forcename, line, n_atoms, gromacs_force_types, canonical_force): """ """ fields = line.split() numeric_forcetype = fields[n_atoms] gromacs_force_type = gromacs_force_types[numeric_forcetype] kwds = self.create_kwds_from_entries(fields, gromacs_force_type, offset=n_atoms+1) CanonicalForceType, kwds = canonical_force( kwds, gromacs_force_type, direction='into') force_type = CanonicalForceType(*bondingtypes, **kwds) if not force_type: logger.warn("{0} is not a supported {1} type".format(fields[2], forcename)) return else: return force_type
[docs] def process_implicittype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ implicit_genborn_params ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 6: self.too_few_fields(line) self.implicittypes[fields[0]] = fields
[docs] def process_pairtype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ pairtypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 5: self.too_few_fields(line) pair_type = None PairFunc = None combination_rule = self.system.combination_rule kwds = dict() numeric_pairtype = fields[2] if numeric_pairtype == '1': # LJ/Coul. 1-4 (Type 1) if len(fields) == 5: if combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": PairFunc = LjCPairType elif combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: PairFunc = LjSigepsPairType offset = 3 elif numeric_pairtype == '2': if combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": PairFunc = LjqCPairType elif combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: PairFunc = LjqSigepsPairType offset = 4 else: logger.warn("Could not find pair type for line: {0}".format(line)) if PairFunc: pairvars = [fields[0], fields[1]] kwds = self.create_kwds_from_entries(fields, PairFunc, offset=offset) # kludge because of placement of scaleQQ... if numeric_pairtype == '2': # try to get this out ... kwds['scaleQQ'] = float(fields[3]) * units.dimensionless pair_type = PairFunc(*pairvars, **kwds) self.pairtypes[tuple(fields[:2])] = pair_type
[docs] def process_cmaptype(self, line): """Process a line in the [ cmaptypes ] category.""" fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 8 or len(fields) < 8+int(fields[6])*int(fields[7]): self.too_few_fields(line) self.cmaptypes[tuple(fields[:5])] = fields
[docs] def process_nonbond_params(self, line): """Process a line in the [ nonbond_param ] category.""" fields = line.split() natoms = 2 nonbonded_type = None NonbondedFunc = None combination_rule = self.system.combination_rule if fields[2] == '1': if combination_rule == 'Multiply-C6C12': NonbondedFunc = LjCNonbondedType elif combination_rule in ['Lorentz-Berthelot', 'Multiply-Sigeps']: NonbondedFunc = LjSigepsNonbondedType elif fields[2] == '2': if combination_rule == 'Buckingham': NonbondedFunc = BuckinghamNonbondedType else: logger.warn("Could not find nonbonded type for line: {0}".format(line)) nonbonded_vars = [fields[0], fields[1]] kwds = self.create_kwds_from_entries(fields, NonbondedFunc, offset=3) nonbonded_type = NonbondedFunc(*nonbonded_vars, **kwds) # TODO: figure out what to do with the gromacs numeric type nonbonded_type.type = int(fields[2]) self.system.nonbonded_types[tuple(nonbonded_vars)] = nonbonded_type # =========== Pre-processing errors =========== #
[docs] def too_few_fields(self, line): e = ValueError('Too few fields in [ {0} ] line: {1}'.format( self.current_directive, line)) logger.exception(e)
[docs] def invalid_line(self, line): e = ValueError('Invalid format in [ {0} ] line: {1}'.format( self.current_directive, line)) logger.exception(e)
[docs] def directive_before_moleculetype(self): e = ValueError('Found [ {0} ] directive before [ moleculetype ]'.format( self.current_directive)) logger.exception(e)