Source code for intermol.lammps.lammps_driver

import logging
import os
import subprocess

import simtk.unit as units
from intermol.lammps.lammps_parser import load_lammps, write_lammps

logger = logging.getLogger('InterMolLog')

[docs]def read_file(in_file): logger.error('Not implemented yet!')'Reading LAMMPS files {0}'.format(infile)) #system = load_lammps(data_file, in_file)'...loaded.')
[docs]def write_file(in_file, system, unit_set='real'):"Writing LAMMPS file '{0}'".format(in_file)) write_lammps(in_file, system, unit_set)'...done.')
[docs]def lammps_energies(input_file, lmppath='lmp_openmpi'): """Evaluate energies of LAMMPS files Args: input_file = path to input file (expects data file in same folder) lmppath = path to LAMMPS binaries """'Evaluating energy of {0}'.format(input_file)) directory, input_file = os.path.split(input_file) # mdrunin' saved_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(directory) cmd = "{lmppath} < {input_file}".format( lmppath=lmppath, input_file=input_file) logger.debug('Running LAMMPS with command:\n %s' % cmd) with open('lammps_stdout.txt', 'w') as out, open('lammps_stderr.txt', 'w') as err: exit =, stdout=out, stderr=err, shell=True) os.chdir(saved_path) if exit: logger.error('Energy evaluation failed. See %s/lammps_stderr.txt' % directory) raise Exception('Energy evaluation failed for {0}'.format(input_file)) # energizin' proc = subprocess.Popen(["awk '/E_bond/{getline; print}' %s/lammps_stdout.txt" % (directory)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (energies, err) = proc.communicate() if not energies: raise Exception('Unable to read LAMMPS energy output') # give everything units data = map(float, energies.split()) data = [value * units.kilocalories_per_mole for value in data] # pack it all up in a dictionary types = ['Bond', 'Angle', 'Proper Dih.', 'Improper', 'Non-bonded', 'Dispersive', 'Electrostatic', 'Coul. recip.', 'Disper. corr.', 'Potential'] e_out = dict(zip(types, data)) # groupings e_out['Electrostatic'] += e_out['Coul. recip.'] e_out['All dihedrals'] = e_out['Proper Dih.'] + e_out['Improper'] return e_out, '%s/lammps_stdout.txt' % directory