Source code for intermol.lammps.lammps_parser

import os
import logging
import pdb
import warnings
import re

import simtk.unit as units
import numpy as np

from intermol.forces import *
import intermol.forces.forcefunctions as ff
from intermol.atom import Atom
from intermol.molecule import Molecule
from intermol.moleculetype import MoleculeType
from intermol.system import System

logger = logging.getLogger('InterMolLog')

[docs]def load_lammps(in_file): """Load a LAMMPS input file into a `System`. Args: in_file: include_dir: defines: Returns: system: """ parser = LammpsParser(in_file) return
[docs]def write_lammps(in_file, system, unit_set='real'): """Load a LAMMPS input file into a `System`. Args: in_file: include_dir: defines: Returns: system: """ parser = LammpsParser(in_file, system, unit_set) return parser.write()
[docs]class LammpsParser(object): """A class containing methods to read and write LAMMPS files. """ SCALE_INTO = 2.0 SCALE_FROM = 0.5 lammps_bonds = { 'harmonic': HarmonicBond, 'morse': MorseBond, 'class2': QuarticBond, 'fene/expand': FeneExpandableBond, 'quartic': QuarticBreakableBond, 'nonlinear': NonlinearBond } lookup_lammps_bonds = {v: k for k, v in lammps_bonds.items()} # Add some non 1-to-1 mappings. lookup_lammps_bonds[HarmonicPotentialBond] = 'harmonic' lammps_bond_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in lammps_bonds.items())
[docs] def canonical_bond(self, kwds, bond, direction='into'): """Convert to/from the canonical form of this interaction. """ # TODO: Gromacs says harmonic potential bonds do not have constraints or # exclusions. Check that this logic is supported. if direction == 'into': canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_INTO else: typename = self.lookup_lammps_bonds[bond] canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_FROM if bond in [HarmonicBond, HarmonicPotentialBond]: kwds['k'] *= canonical_force_scale if bond == HarmonicPotentialBond: typename = 'harmonic' if direction == 'into': return bond, kwds else: return typename, [kwds] # we expect a list
lammps_angles = { 'harmonic': HarmonicAngle, 'cosine': CosineAngle, 'charmm': UreyBradleyAngle } lookup_lammps_angles = dict((v, k) for k, v in lammps_angles.items()) lammps_angle_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in lammps_angles.items())
[docs] def canonical_angle(self, kwds, angle, direction): """Convert from the canonical form of this interaction. """ if direction == 'into': canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_INTO else: typename = self.lookup_lammps_angles[angle] canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_FROM if angle in [HarmonicAngle, CosineSquaredAngle, UreyBradleyAngle]: kwds['k'] *= canonical_force_scale if angle == UreyBradleyAngle: kwds['kUB'] *= canonical_force_scale if direction == 'into': return angle, kwds else: return typename, [kwds] # We expect a list
lammps_dihedrals = { 'opls': FourierDihedral, 'multi/harmonic': RbDihedral, 'charmm': ProperPeriodicDihedral, # not quite canonical form, but easily interconvertible } # Have to manually reverse dihedrals -- not unique. lookup_lammps_dihedrals = { TrigDihedral: 'Trig', RbDihedral: 'multi/harmonic', FourierDihedral: 'opls', ProperPeriodicDihedral: 'charmm' # not quite canonical form, but easily interconvertible } lammps_dihedral_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in lammps_dihedrals.items()) lammps_impropers = { 'harmonic': ImproperHarmonicDihedral, 'cvff': TrigDihedral } lookup_lammps_impropers = dict((v, k) for k, v in lammps_impropers.items()) lammps_improper_types = dict( (k, eval(v.__name__ + 'Type')) for k, v in lammps_impropers.items())
[docs] def canonical_dihedral(self, params, dihedral, direction='into'): """Convert from the canonical form of this interaction. """ if direction == 'into': canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_INTO else: canonical_force_scale = self.SCALE_FROM if direction == 'into': converted_dihedral = dihedral # Default if dihedral == ProperPeriodicDihedral: # Proper dihedral convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_proper_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedral elif dihedral == ImproperHarmonicDihedral: convertfunc = convert_nothing elif dihedral == RbDihedral: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_RB_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedral elif dihedral == FourierDihedralType: convertfunc = convert_dihedral_from_fourier_to_trig converted_dihedral = TrigDihedral # Now actually convert the dihedral. params = convertfunc(params) return converted_dihedral, params else: # writing out try: typename = self.lookup_lammps_dihedrals[dihedral] except KeyError: typename = self.lookup_lammps_impropers[dihedral] if dihedral == TrigDihedral: paramlist = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_proper(params) if params['phi'].value_in_unit(units.degrees) in [0, 180]: tmpparams = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_RB(params) if tmpparams['C6']._value == 0 and tmpparams['C5']._value == 0: # Stupid convention? if params['phi'].value_in_unit(units.degrees) == 180: params['phi']._value = 0 else: params['phi']._value = 180 tmpparams = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_RB(params) typename = 'multi/harmonic' # It's a RB dihedral. paramlist = [tmpparams] else: # If C6 and C5 are not zero, print it out as multiple # harmonics (charmm). typename = 'charmm' if typename in ['charmm', 'Trig']: # Print as proper dihedral; if one nonzero term, as a type 1, if multiple, type 9 paramlist = convert_dihedral_from_trig_to_proper(params) typename = 'charmm' for p in paramlist: # For now, might get from Sys? p['weight'] = 0.0 * units.dimensionless elif dihedral == ImproperHarmonicDihedral: params['k'] *= canonical_force_scale paramlist = [params] return typename, paramlist
[docs] def create_kwds_from_entries(self, entries, force_class, offset=0): return ff.create_kwds_from_entries(self.unitvars, self.paramlist, entries, force_class, offset=offset)
[docs] def get_parameter_list_from_force(self, force): return ff.get_parameter_list_from_force(force, self.paramlist)
[docs] def get_parameter_kwds_from_force(self, force): return ff.get_parameter_kwds_from_force( force, self.get_parameter_list_from_force, self.paramlist)
def __init__(self, in_file, system=None, unit_set='real'): """ """ self.in_file = in_file if not system: system = System() self.system = system self.data_file = None
[docs] def set_units(self, unit_set): """Set what unit set to use. """ self.RAD = units.radians self.DEGREE = units.degrees self.MOLE = units.mole self.TEMP = units.kelvin if unit_set == 'real': self.DIST = units.angstroms self.VEL = units.angstroms / units.femtosecond self.ENERGY = units.kilocalorie / units.mole self.MASS = units.grams / units.mole self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge elif unit_set == 'metal': self.DIST = units.angstroms self.VEL = units.angstroms / units.picosecond self.ENERGY = units.joule / units.coulomb * units.elementary_charge self.MASS = units.grams / units.mole self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge elif unit_set == 'si': self.DIST = units.meters self.VEL = units.meters / units.second self.ENERGY = units.joules self.MASS = units.kilograms self.CHARGE = units.coulomb elif unit_set == 'cgs': self.DIST = units.centimeter self.VEL = units.centimeter / units.second self.ENERGY = units.erg self.MASS = units.grams self.CHARGE = np.sqrt(units.erg * units.centimeter) elif unit_set == 'micro': self.DIST = units.micrometers self.VEL = units.nanometers / units.nanosecond self.ENERGY = units.picogram * ( units.micrometer / units.microsecond) ^ 2 self.MASS = units.attograms self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge elif unit_set == 'nano': self.DIST = units.nanometers self.VEL = units.nanometer / units.nanosecond self.ENERGY = units.attogram * ( units.nanometer / units.nanosecond) ^ 2 self.MASS = units.attograms self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge elif unit_set == 'lj': self.DIST = units.dimensionless self.VEL = units.dimensionless self.ENERGY = units.dimensionless self.MASS = units.dimensionless self.CHARGE = units.dimensionless logger.warn("Using unit type lj: All values are dimensionless. " "This is untested and will likely fail. " "See LAMMPS doc for more.") elif unit_set == 'electron': self.DIST = units.bohr self.VEL = units.bohr / units.atu self.ENERGY = units.hartree self.MASS = units.amu self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge else: raise Exception( "Unsupported unit set specified: {0}".format(unit_set)) # Now create the dictionary of which units go in which order # for each command. we need to pass 'self' so that we can # access the different unit sets, but the function unitvars is # not actually a member, so we have to do it in a nonstandard way. self.paramlist = ff.build_paramlist('lammps') self.unitvars = ff.build_unitvars('lammps', self.paramlist, dumself=self)
[docs] def read(self): """Reads a LAMMPS input file and a data file specified within. Args: input_file (str): Name of LAMMPS input file to read in. """ self.read_input(self.in_file) if self.data_file: self.read_data(self.data_file) else: raise Exception("No data file found in input script")
[docs] def read_input(self): """Reads a LAMMPS input file. Args: input_file (str): Name of LAMMPS input file to read in. """ self.input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(self.in_file)) parsable_keywords = { 'units': self.parse_units, 'atom_style': self.parse_atom_style, 'dimension': self.parse_dimension, 'boundary': self.parse_boundary, 'pair_style': self.parse_pair_style, 'kspace_style': self.parse_kspace_style, 'pair_modify': self.parse_pair_modify, 'bond_style': self.parse_bond_style, 'angle_style': self.parse_angle_style, 'dihedral_style': self.parse_dihedral_style, 'improper_style': self.parse_improper_style, 'special_bonds': self.parse_special_bonds, 'read_data': self.parse_read_data} defaults = [ 'units lj', 'atom_style atomic', 'dimension 3', 'boundary p p p', 'pair_style none', 'kspace_style none', 'pair_modify mix geometric shift no table 12 tabinner sqrt(2.0) tail no compute yes', 'bond_style none', 'angle_style none', 'dihedral_style none', 'improper_style none', 'special_bonds lj 0.0 0.0 0.0 coul 0.0 0.0 0.0 angle no dihedral no extra 0'] keyword_defaults = {x.split()[0]: x for x in defaults} keyword_check = {x: False for x in keyword_defaults.keys()} with open(self.in_file, 'r') as input_lines: for line in input_lines: if line.strip(): keyword = line.split()[0] if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](line.split()) keyword_check[keyword] = True for key in keyword_check.keys(): if not (keyword_check[key]): logger.warn( 'Keyword {0} not set, using LAMMPS default value {1}'.format( key, " ".join(keyword_defaults[key].split()[1:]))) parsable_keywords[key](keyword_defaults[key].split()) self.set_units(self.unit_set)
[docs] def read_data(self, data_file): """Reads a LAMMPS data file. Args: data_file (str): name of LAMMPS data file to read in. """ # Read box, masses and forcefield info from data file. parsable_keywords = {'Masses': self.parse_masses, 'Pair Coeffs': self.parse_pair_coeffs, 'Bond Coeffs': self.parse_bond_coeffs, 'Angle Coeffs': self.parse_angle_coeffs, 'Dihedral Coeffs': self.parse_dihedral_coeffs, 'Improper Coeffs': self.parse_improper_coeffs} with open(data_file, 'r') as data_lines: self.molecule_name = next(data_lines).strip() # Currently only reading a single molecule/moleculeType # per LAMMPS file. self.current_mol = Molecule(self.molecule_name) self.system.add_molecule(self.current_mol) self.current_mol_type = self.system._molecules[self.molecule_name] self.current_mol_type.nrexcl = 3 # TODO: automate determination! for line in data_lines: if line.strip(): # Catch all box dimensions. if ('xlo' in line) and ('xhi' in line): self.parse_box(line.split(), 0) elif ('ylo' in line) and ('yhi' in line): self.parse_box(line.split(), 1) elif ('zlo' in line) and ('zhi' in line): self.parse_box(line.split(), 2) # Other headers. else: keyword = line.strip() if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](data_lines) # Read atoms, velocities and connectivity information from data file. parsable_keywords = {'Atoms': self.parse_atoms, 'Velocities': self.parse_velocities, 'Bonds': self.parse_bonds, 'Angles': self.parse_angles, 'Dihedrals': self.parse_dihedrals, 'Impropers': self.parse_impropers} with open(data_file, 'r') as data_lines: for line in data_lines: if line.strip(): keyword = line.strip() if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](data_lines)
[docs] def parse_units(self, line): """ """ assert (len(line) == 2), "Invalid units specified in input file." self.unit_set = line[1]
[docs] def parse_atom_style(self, line): """ Note: Assuming 'full' as default for everything else. """ self.atom_style = line[1] if len(line) > 2: warnings.warn("Unsupported atom_style in input file.")
[docs] def parse_dimension(self, line): """ """ self.dimension = int(line[1]) if self.dimension not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Invalid dimension specified in input file " "(must be 2 or 3).")
[docs] def parse_boundary(self, line): """ """ self.boundaries = [line[1], line[2], line[3]] if len(self.boundaries) != self.dimension: raise ValueError("Boundaries do not match specified dimension " "in input file")
[docs] def parse_pair_style(self, line): """ """ self.pair_style = [] if line[1] == 'hybrid': warnings.warn("Hybrid pair styles not yet implemented.") elif line[1] == 'lj/cut/coul/long': self.pair_style.append(line[1]) self.system.nonbonded_function = 1
[docs] def parse_kspace_style(self, line): """ Note: Currently ignored. """ if line[1] == 'pppm': pass
[docs] def parse_pair_modify(self, line): """ """ if line[1] == 'mix': if line[2] == 'geometric': self.system.combination_rule = 'Multiply-Sigeps' elif line[2] == 'arithmetic': self.system.combination_rule = 'Lorentz-Berthelot' else: warnings.warn( "Unsupported pair_modify mix argument in input file!") else: warnings.warn("Unsupported pair_modify style in input file!")
[docs] def parse_bonded_style(self, line): """ """ style_set = set() if len(line) == 2: style_set.add(line[1]) elif line[1] == 'hybrid': for style in line[2:]: style_set.add(style) else: raise ValueError("Invalid style in input file!") return style_set
[docs] def parse_bond_style(self, line): """ """ self.bond_style = self.parse_bonded_style(line)
[docs] def parse_angle_style(self, line): """ """ self.angle_style = self.parse_bonded_style(line)
[docs] def parse_dihedral_style(self, line): """ """ self.dihedral_style = self.parse_bonded_style(line) # TODO: correctly determine gen-pairs state if self.dihedral_style == 'opls': self.system.genpairs = 'yes'
[docs] def parse_improper_style(self, line): """ """ self.improper_style = self.parse_bonded_style(line)
[docs] def parse_special_bonds(self, line): """ """ if 'lj/coul' in line: self.system.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj/coul') + 3]) self.system.coulomb_correction = float( line[line.index('lj/coul') + 3]) elif 'lj' in line and 'coul' in line: self.system.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj') + 3]) self.system.coulomb_correction = float(line[line.index('coul') + 3]) elif 'lj' in line: self.system.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj') + 3]) elif 'coul' in line: self.system.coulomb_correction = float(line[line.index('coul') + 3]) else: warnings.warn("Unsupported special_bonds in input file.")
[docs] def parse_read_data(self, line): """ """ if len(line) == 2: self.data_file = os.path.join(self.input_dir, line[1]) else: warnings.warn("Unsupported read_data arguments in input file.")
[docs] def parse_box(self, line, dim): """Read box information from data file. Args: line (str): Current line in input file. dim (int): Dimension specified in line. """ fields = [float(field) for field in line[:2]] box_length = fields[1] - fields[0] if box_length > 0: self.box_vector[dim, dim] = box_length else: raise ValueError("Negative box length specified in data file.") self.system.box_vector = self.box_vector * self.DIST
[docs] def parse_masses(self, data_lines): """Read masses from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.mass_dict = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.split() self.mass_dict[int(fields[0])] = float(fields[1]) * self.MASS
[docs] def parse_pair_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read pair coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.nb_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [float(field) for field in line.split()] if len(self.pair_style) == 1: # TODO: lookup of type of pairstyle to determine format if self.system.nonbonded_function == 1: self.nb_types[int(fields[0])] = [fields[1] * self.ENERGY, fields[2] * self.DIST] else: warnings.warn( "Unsupported pair coeff formatting in data file!") else: warnings.warn("Unsupported pair coeff formatting in data file!")
[docs] def parse_force_coeffs(self, data_lines, force_name, force_classes, force_style, lammps_forces, canonical_force): """Read force coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.split() warn = False if len(force_style) == 1: style = list(force_style)[0] # awkward to have to translate to list to get the only member! if style == fields[1]: field_offset = 2 else: if'[a-zA-Z]+', fields[1]): if style == 'none': style = fields[1] field_offset = 2 else: warn = True else: field_offset = 1 elif len(force_style) > 1: style = fields[1] field_offset = 2 if style not in force_style: warn = True else: raise ValueError( "No entries found in '%s_style'." % (force_name)) if warn: warnings.warn("{0} type found in {1} Coeffs that was not " "specified in {2}_style: {3}".format( force_name, force_name, force_name, style)) # what internal force correspond to this style force_class = lammps_forces[style] # Get the parameters from the line and translate into keywords kwds = self.create_kwds_from_entries(fields, force_class, offset=field_offset) # translate the force into canonical form force_class, kwds = canonical_force(kwds, force_class, direction='into') # add to the dictionary of this force term force_classes[int(fields[0])] = [force_class, kwds]
[docs] def parse_bond_coeffs(self, data_lines): self.bond_classes = dict() self.parse_force_coeffs(data_lines, "Bond", self.bond_classes, self.bond_style, self.lammps_bonds, self.canonical_bond)
[docs] def parse_angle_coeffs(self, data_lines): self.angle_classes = dict() self.parse_force_coeffs(data_lines, "Angle", self.angle_classes, self.angle_style, self.lammps_angles, self.canonical_angle)
[docs] def parse_dihedral_coeffs(self, data_lines): self.dihedral_classes = dict() self.parse_force_coeffs(data_lines, "Dihedral", self.dihedral_classes, self.dihedral_style, self.lammps_dihedrals, self.canonical_dihedral)
[docs] def parse_improper_coeffs(self, data_lines): self.improper_classes = dict() self.parse_force_coeffs(data_lines, "Improper", self.improper_classes, self.improper_style, self.lammps_impropers, self.canonical_improper)
[docs] def parse_atoms(self, data_lines): """Read atoms from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.split() if len(fields) in [7, 10]: if len(fields) == 10: # TODO: store image flags? pass new_atom_type = None if self.system.combination_rule == "Multiply-C6C12": warnings.warn( "Combination rule 'Multiply-C6C12' not yet implemented") elif self.system.combination_rule in ['Multiply-Sigeps', 'Lorentz-Berthelot']: new_atom_type = AtomSigepsType( fields[2], # atomtype fields[2], # bondtype -1, # atomic_number self.mass_dict[int(fields[2])], # mass float(fields[3]) * self.CHARGE, # charge 'A', # ptype self.nb_types[int(fields[2])][1], # sigma self.nb_types[int(fields[2])][0]) # epsilon self.system._atomtypes.add(new_atom_type) atom = Atom(int(fields[0]), # index fields[2], # name int(fields[1]), # residue_index (molNum) fields[1]) # residue_name (molNum) atom.atomtype = (0, fields[2]) # atomNum for LAMMPS atom.atomic_number = 0 #TODO: this must be defined for Desmond output; can we get this from LAMMPS? atom.cgnr = 0 # TODO: look into alternatives atom.charge = (0, float(fields[3]) * self.CHARGE) atom.mass = (0, self.mass_dict[int(fields[2])]) atom.position = [float(fields[4]) * self.DIST, float(fields[5]) * self.DIST, float(fields[6]) * self.DIST] # Probably unneccessary since I don't think LAMMPS has anything # in the data files akin to A/B states in GROMACS. for ab_state, atom_type in enumerate(atom.atomtype): # Searching for a matching atom_type temp = AbstractAtomType(atom.atomtype[ab_state]) atom_type = self.system._atomtypes.get(temp) if atom_type: atom.sigma = (ab_state, atom_type.sigma) atom.epsilon = (ab_state, atom_type.epsilon) atom.bondtype = atom_type.bondtype else: warnings.warn("Corresponding AtomType was not found. " "Insert missing values yourself.") self.current_mol.add_atom(atom)
[docs] def parse_velocities(self, data_lines): """ """ next(data_lines) atoms = self.current_mol.atoms vel_dict = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break fields = [field for field in line.split()] vel_dict[int(fields[0])] = fields[1:4] for atom in atoms: atom._velocity = [float(vel) * self.VEL for vel in vel_dict[atom.index]]
[docs] def parse_force(self, data_lines, force_classes, forceSet, n=0): """Read bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [int(field) for field in line.split()] new_force = None coeff_num = fields[1] atom_nums = fields[2:n + 2] paraminfo = force_classes[coeff_num] kwds = paraminfo[1] new_force = paraminfo[0](*atom_nums, **kwds) forceSet.add(new_force)
[docs] def parse_bonds(self, data_lines): self.parse_force(data_lines, self.bond_classes, self.current_mol_type.bondForceSet, n=2)
[docs] def parse_angles(self, data_lines): self.parse_force(data_lines, self.angle_classes, self.current_mol_type.angleForceSet, n=3)
[docs] def parse_dihedrals(self, data_lines): self.parse_force(data_lines, self.dihedral_classes, self.current_mol_type.dihedralForceSet, n=4)
[docs] def parse_impropers(self, data_lines): self.parse_force(data_lines, self.improper_classes, self.current_mol_type.dihedralForceSet, n=4)
[docs] def get_force_atoms(self, force, forceclass): """Return the atoms involved in a force. """ if forceclass in ['Bond', 'Pair']: return [force.atom1, force.atom2] elif forceclass in ['Angle']: return [force.atom1, force.atom2, force.atom3] elif forceclass in ['Dihedral', 'Improper']: return [force.atom1, force.atom2, force.atom3, force.atom4] else: warnings.warn("No interaction type %s defined!" % (forceclass))
[docs] def get_force_bondingtypes(self, force, forceclass): """Return the atoms involved in a force. """ if forceclass in ['Bond', 'Pair']: return [force.bondingtype1, force.bondingtype2] elif forceclass in ['Angle']: return [force.bondingtype1, force.bondingtype2, force.bondingtype3] elif forceclass in ['Dihedral', 'Improper']: return [force.bondingtype1, force.bondingtype2, force.bondingtype3, force.bondingtype4] else: warnings.warn("No interaction type %s defined!" % (forceclass))
[docs] def write_forces(self, forces, offset, force_name, lookup_lammps_force, lammps_force_types, canonical_force): """The general force writing function. Currently supports bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers. """ logger.debug(" Writing {0:s}s...".format(force_name)) force_list = self.force_dict[force_name] force_count = len(force_list) coeff_name = '{0} Coeffs'.format(force_name) coeff_list = self.force_dict[coeff_name] numeric_coeff = self.numeric_coeff[coeff_name] type_count = len(numeric_coeff) + 1 style_set = self.style_dict[force_name] for force in forces: atom_indices = self.get_force_atoms(force, force_name) atom_bondingtypes = self.get_force_bondingtypes(force, force_name) try: lookup_lammps_force[force.__class__] except KeyError: logger.warn("Found unimplemented {0} type {1} for LAMMPS!".format( force_name, force.__class__.__name__)) # Get the parameters of the force. kwds = self.get_parameter_kwds_from_force(force) # Convert keywords from canonical form. style, kwdslist = canonical_force(kwds, force.__class__, direction='from') force_type = lammps_force_types[style] style_set.add(style) # A single force can produce multiple forces. for kwds in kwdslist: temp_force_type = force_type(*atom_bondingtypes, **kwds) # New type found. Write out the force coefficients. if temp_force_type not in numeric_coeff: # Get the numerical type for this interaction. numeric_coeff[temp_force_type] = type_count line = '{0:d} {1}'.format(type_count, style) type_count += 1 # Generate the list of parameters for this force in the # order they appear in the file format. params = self.get_parameter_list_from_force(temp_force_type) # Generate the units for this force. u = self.unitvars[force_type.__name__] for i, p in enumerate(params): if p.unit == units.dimensionless and isinstance(p._value, int): # LAMMPS expects an integer. line += "%10d" % (p.value_in_unit(u[i])) else: line += "%18.8e" % (p.value_in_unit(u[i])) line += '\n' coeff_list.append(line) # Write out the force entry. line = '{0:-6d} {1:6d}'.format(force_count, numeric_coeff[temp_force_type]) for atom in atom_indices: line += '{0:6d}'.format(atom + offset) line += '\n' force_list.append(line) force_count += 1 if len(style_set) > 1: logger.warn("More than one {0} style found!".format(force_name))
[docs] def write_bonds(self, mol_type, offset): return self.write_forces(mol_type.bond_forces, offset, "Bond", self.lookup_lammps_bonds, self.lammps_bond_types, self.canonical_bond)
[docs] def write_angles(self, mol_type, offset): return self.write_forces(mol_type.angle_forces, offset, "Angle", self.lookup_lammps_angles, self.lammps_angle_types, self.canonical_angle)
[docs] def write_dihedrals(self, mol_type, offset): """Separate dihedrals from impropers. """ dihedral_forces = {force for force in mol_type.dihedral_forces if not force.improper} return self.write_forces(dihedral_forces, offset, "Dihedral", self.lookup_lammps_dihedrals, self.lammps_dihedral_types, self.canonical_dihedral)
[docs] def write_impropers(self, mol_type, offset): """Separate dihedrals from impropers. """ improper_forces = {force for force in mol_type.dihedral_forces if force.improper} return self.write_forces(improper_forces, offset, "Improper", self.lookup_lammps_impropers, self.lammps_improper_types, self.canonical_dihedral)
[docs] def write_virtuals(self, mol_type, offset): if len(mol_type.virtual_forces) > 0: warnings.warn("Virtuals not currently supported: will need to be " "implemeneted from shake and rigid")
[docs] def write(self, unit_set='real'): """Writes a LAMMPS data and corresponding input file. Args: data_file (str): Name of LAMMPS data file to write to. unit_set (str): LAMMPS unit set for output file. """ self.data_file = os.path.splitext(self.in_file)[0] + '.lmp' self.set_units(unit_set) # Containers for lines which are ultimately written to output files. mass_list = list() mass_list.append('\nMasses\n\n') pair_coeffs = list() pair_coeffs.append('\nPair Coeffs\n\n') atom_list = list() atom_list.append('\nAtoms\n\n') vel_list = list() vel_list.append('\nVelocities\n\n') # Dicts for type information. atom_type_dict = dict() # str_type:int_type a_type_i = 1 # counter for atom types # Dicts to store the final outputs. self.force_dict = {'Bond': ['\nBonds\n\n'], 'Bond Coeffs': ['\nBond Coeffs\n\n'], 'Angle': ['\nAngles\n\n'], 'Angle Coeffs': ['\nAngle Coeffs\n\n'], 'Dihedral': ['\nDihedrals\n\n'], 'Dihedral Coeffs': ['\nDihedral Coeffs\n\n'], 'Improper': ['\nImpropers\n\n'], 'Improper Coeffs': ['\nImproper Coeffs\n\n'] } # Dicts to store the numeric values for each type (force:int). self.numeric_coeff = {'Bond Coeffs': {}, 'Angle Coeffs': {}, 'Dihedral Coeffs': {}, 'Improper Coeffs': {} } self.style_dict = {'Bond': set(), 'Angle': set(), 'Dihedral': set(), 'Improper': set() } # Read all atom specific and FF information. for mol_name, mol_type in self.system.molecule_types.iteritems(): logger.debug( " Writing moleculetype {0}...".format(mol_name)) # OrderedSet isn't indexable so get the first molecule by iterating. molecule = next(iter(mol_type.molecules)) atoms_per_molecule = len(molecule.atoms) for i, molecule in enumerate(mol_type.molecules): # Atom index offsets from 1 for each molecule. offset = i * atoms_per_molecule self.write_bonds(mol_type, offset) self.write_angles(mol_type, offset) self.write_dihedrals(mol_type, offset) self.write_impropers(mol_type, offset) # Only issues warning now. self.write_virtuals(mol_type, offset) # Atom specific information. x_min = y_min = z_min = np.inf logger.debug(" Writing atoms...") cumulative_atoms = 0 atom_charges = False for molecule in mol_type.molecules: for atom in molecule.atoms: # Type, mass and pair coeffs. if atom.atomtype[0] not in atom_type_dict: atom_type_dict[atom.atomtype[0]] = a_type_i mass_list.append('{0:d} {1:8.4f}\n'.format( a_type_i, atom.mass[0].value_in_unit(self.MASS))) pair_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f}\n'.format( a_type_i, atom.epsilon[0].value_in_unit(self.ENERGY), atom.sigma[0].value_in_unit(self.DIST))) a_type_i += 1 # Box minima. x_coord = atom.position[0].value_in_unit(self.DIST) y_coord = atom.position[1].value_in_unit(self.DIST) z_coord = atom.position[2].value_in_unit(self.DIST) if x_coord < x_min: x_min = x_coord if y_coord < y_min: y_min = y_coord if z_coord < z_min: z_min = z_coord atom_list.append( '{0:-6d} {1:-6d} {2:-6d} {3:5.8f} {4:12.6f} {5:12.6f} {6:12.6f}\n'.format( atom.index + cumulative_atoms, atom.residue_index, atom_type_dict[atom.atomtype[0]], atom.charge[0].value_in_unit(self.CHARGE), x_coord, y_coord, z_coord)) if atom.charge[0]._value != 0: atom_charges = True if atom.velocity: vel_list.append( '{0:-6d} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f} {3:8.4f}\n'.format( atom.index + cumulative_atoms, atom.velocity[0].value_in_unit(self.VEL), atom.velocity[1].value_in_unit(self.VEL), atom.velocity[2].value_in_unit(self.VEL))) else: vel_list.append( '{0:-6d} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f} {3:8.4f}\n'.format( atom.index + cumulative_atoms, 0, 0, 0)) cumulative_atoms += len(molecule.atoms) bond_list = self.force_dict['Bond'] angle_list = self.force_dict['Angle'] dihedral_list = self.force_dict['Dihedral'] improper_list = self.force_dict['Improper'] bond_coeffs = self.force_dict['Bond Coeffs'] angle_coeffs = self.force_dict['Angle Coeffs'] dihedral_coeffs = self.force_dict['Dihedral Coeffs'] improper_coeffs = self.force_dict['Improper Coeffs'] bond_styles = self.style_dict['Bond'] angle_styles = self.style_dict['Angle'] dihedral_styles = self.style_dict['Dihedral'] improper_styles = self.style_dict['Improper'] # Write the actual data file. with open(self.data_file, 'w') as f: # Front matter. f.write( + '\n') f.write('\n') n_atoms = len(atom_list) - 1 n_bonds = len(bond_list) - 1 n_angles = len(angle_list) - 1 n_dihedrals = len(dihedral_list) - 1 n_impropers = len(improper_list) - 1 n_atom_types = len(pair_coeffs) - 1 n_bond_types = len(bond_coeffs) - 1 n_angle_types = len(angle_coeffs) - 1 n_dihedral_types = len(dihedral_coeffs) - 1 n_improper_types = len(improper_coeffs) - 1 f.write('{0} atoms\n'.format(n_atoms)) f.write('{0} bonds\n'.format(n_bonds)) f.write('{0} angles\n'.format(n_angles)) f.write('{0} dihedrals\n'.format(n_dihedrals)) f.write('{0} impropers\n'.format(n_impropers)) f.write('\n') f.write('{0} atom types\n'.format(n_atom_types)) if n_bond_types > 0: f.write('{0} bond types\n'.format(n_bond_types)) if n_angle_types > 0: f.write('{0} angle types\n'.format(n_angle_types)) if n_dihedral_types > 0: f.write('{0} dihedral types\n'.format(n_dihedral_types)) if n_improper_types > 0: f.write('{0} improper types\n'.format(n_improper_types)) f.write('\n') # Shifting of box dimensions. f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} xlo xhi\n'.format( x_min, x_min + self.system.box_vector[0][0].value_in_unit( self.DIST))) f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} ylo yhi\n'.format( y_min, y_min + self.system.box_vector[1][1].value_in_unit( self.DIST))) f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} zlo zhi\n'.format( z_min, z_min + self.system.box_vector[2][2].value_in_unit( self.DIST))) for mass in mass_list: f.write(mass) # Forcefield coefficients. coeff_types = [pair_coeffs, bond_coeffs, angle_coeffs, dihedral_coeffs, improper_coeffs] for coefficients in coeff_types: if len(coefficients) > 1: for coeff in coefficients: f.write(coeff) # Atoms and velocities. for atom in atom_list: f.write(atom) for vel in vel_list: f.write(vel) # Forces. force_lists = [bond_list, angle_list, dihedral_list, improper_list] for force_list in force_lists: if len(force_list) > 1: for force in force_list: f.write(force) # Write the corresponding input file. with open(self.in_file, 'w') as f: f.write('units {0}\n'.format(unit_set)) f.write('atom_style full\n') # TODO f.write('\n') f.write('dimension 3\n') # TODO f.write('boundary p p p\n') # TODO f.write('\n') # non-bonded if atom_charges: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 15.0 15.0\n') # TODO: match mdp #f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 9.999 9.999\n') f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-8\n') # TODO: match mdp #f.write('kspace_style ewald 1.0e-6\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 15.0 15.0\n') # TODO: match mdp #f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 9.999 9.999\n') f.write('kspace_style none\n') # if there are no charges if self.system.combination_rule == 'Lorentz-Berthelot': f.write('pair_modify mix arithmetic\n') elif self.system.combination_rule == 'Multiply-Sigeps': f.write('pair_modify mix geometric\n') else: logger.warn("Unsupported pair combination rule on writing input file!") f.write('\n') # bonded if len(bond_coeffs) > 1: f.write('bond_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(bond_styles))) if len(angle_coeffs) > 1: f.write('angle_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(angle_styles))) if len(dihedral_coeffs) > 1: f.write('dihedral_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(dihedral_styles))) if len(improper_coeffs) > 1: f.write('improper_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(improper_styles))) f.write('special_bonds lj {0} {1} {2} coul {3} {4} {5}\n'.format( 0.0, 0.0, self.system.lj_correction, 0.0, 0.0, self.system.coulomb_correction)) f.write('\n') # Specify the path to the corresponding data file that we just wrote. f.write('read_data {0}\n'.format(os.path.basename(self.data_file))) f.write('\n') # Specify the output energies that we are interested in. energy_terms = " ".join(['ebond', 'eangle', 'edihed', 'eimp', 'epair', 'evdwl', 'ecoul', 'elong', 'etail', 'pe']) f.write('thermo_style custom {0}\n'.format(energy_terms)) f.write('\n') f.write('run 0\n')